Pardon my callous disregard for the King - but I don't care. Kings and Queens are outdated forms of "Government?" Has he apologized for any of the atrocities committed by the Empire? Has he addressed the immigrant problem facing his country?
Not to mention the declining economic situation?
Since I am not English, you could say my opinion means nothing - and you are probably correct. But since you devoted an entire essay to informing me about what will happen when the King dies, I feel free to tell you -"I don't care."
I am far more concerned about the wait times the average citizen faces before getting care from NHS, the prices of everyday food on the shelves of grocery stores, and how inflation is affecting the lives of working people.
Maybe if he evidenced the slightest concern for his "subjects" and would offer some help, I would feel differently, but he hasn't, and I don't think he will.
You could argue the English public brought much of this suffering on themselves, and you would be correct. They were lied to by their government and convinced that Brexit would solve all of their problems. But how about those citizens who didn't vote for Brexit, how about the children who had no say in the matter, and how about admitting a mistake was made and how to correct it?
I wonder how the King feels when he looks at himself in the mirror in the morning.