
I would like to add his stoddy treatment of Anita Hill during the Thomas hearings. His actions or lack of action has enabled the right to bring us where we are today.

He is a gentleman, but he is in a barroom brawl - he is both outclassed and out gunned. I voted for him and he is certainly better than DJT, but he is a huge disappointment.

We need a fighter, not a gentleman who is too polite to call a spade a spade. We are in a fight to save our democracy and he acts like we are in a drawing room with other gentlemen debating some polical points. He is a collge professor when we need Rocky.



Edward W Hackett
Edward W Hackett

Written by Edward W Hackett

residential contractor/designer — science, politics, economics, history, philosophy, blogging on economics https://medium.com/DDI, email ewhackett@gmail.

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