Edward W Hackett
2 min readFeb 19, 2023


As a famous American robber baron once said, "The meek may inherit the earth, but never the mineral rights."

The concept of a "God" who cares about us, watches over us and rewards those who are "Good" and punishes those who are "Bad" is a construct made to rule over foolish people.

As proof of this I give you the leading clerics in every religion who pay no attention to the teachings of their various religions, but amass wealth and power for themselves.

This is not true of all clerics, but it is true of enough to make people suspicious of any organized religion. The crimes committed against people of color by people who call themselves Christians should be considered as War Crimes.

None of this disproves the existance of a Supreme Being, but it should make a person consider the foolishness of their giving money to any religious organization.

The loving God so frequently talked about just

killed over 40,000 people in Turkey and Syria. In 2004 this God wiped out over 200,000 in Bali. Perhaps there were some "bad" people in these groups, but how bad can young children be to deserve being killed or having their loved ones killed?

Some Christian group just spent over $20,000,000.00 on ads during the Super Bowl - all in the name of Jesus. If Jesus existed and was alive today, he would have used that money to heal the sick and feed the poor.

We don't need big buildings, expensive organizations and advertisements to know what we should do. Be good to each other, help those who are less fortunate than yourself, and be tolerant of those who are different.



Edward W Hackett

residential contractor/designer — science, politics, economics, history, philosophy, blogging on economics https://medium.com/DDI, email ewhackett@gmail.