I voted for Obama and liked him as a person, even though his wife was a great first lady. But like most Democrats, he was afraid to call a spade a spade - The Conservative Republicans are the enemy of democracy.
Philosophy and political theorizing are OK in an academic setting, but in the real world of bare-knuckle politics, you need to be blunt. As much as I despised DJT, I admired his reading of the public and his ability to identify those who would vote for him.
Obama always acted as though, "The quality folk in the big house need to be respected, etc." Mr. Biden is making the same mistake, which is one reason Hillary lost the election. Trump made a fool of her in the debates by acting like the pig he is. Hillary should have called him on this and refused to debate anymore with a person so ill-mannered that he should be kept away from the table where the adults are eating.
We Americans are such fools we deserve to lose the democracy we are now losing. I have seen more outrage over one millionaire slapping another millionaire than I have seen about the lies told by our politicians.
Bill Clinton had sex with a consenting female in the White House. - people were outraged. DJT fucked most of America, and we can't even bring ourselves to call him an insurrectionist.
I am angry and embarrassed by the actions of my fellow citizens. Since when do we think it is OK for six men, not even doctors, to make rules affecting the lives and well-fare of all women.
If American women don't stand up and fight this ruling, they will deserve whatever the conservative men have in mind for them. The queer community should join with all the women - because they are next and will lose the right to same-sex marriage.
It is one thing to die fighting, but just sitting there and saying nothing is far worse. DJT and his followers don't like it when their opponents fight back - like all other bullies.